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Carnot TNS

          is the institute

          that accompanies                                     Together with our partners, they develop
                                                               innovative solutions to meet the challenges

          your the entire                                      faced by companies. And the sectors of
                                                               application are multiple: industry, health,
                                                               transport, telecoms...
          value chain                                          Our researchers contribute to meeting

          of innovation                                        the major challenges linked to digital
                                                               transformation, whether economic, social
                                                               or environmental. They do this by mobilising

                                                               a variety of expertise, ranging from the
                                                               industry of the future to the smart city, via the
                                                               Internet of Things and cybersecurity.

              Networks and the            Big Data & IA              Cyber security            Future industry
               internet of things

                  Smart city              Smart mobility             Future media               Digital health
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