Carnot Institutes: research for business innovation
Tomorrow starts here – and we are part of it!

The Carnot network’s mission is to prepare the industry and economy of tomorrow by supporting businesses’ innovation and transformation strategy.
An integrated offering adapted to the needs of all types of businesses – from start-ups to big corporations
Get ahead of the game!
Our teams are already working to anticipate businesses’ transformations, innovations and R&D projects.
On a day-to-day level, businesses are the partners of our labs. Every year, Carnot signs over 10 200 direct R&D agreements with businesses, and this does not include the numerous collaborative R&D projects (as part of EU programmes, ANR-sponsored thematic research, competitive clusters, etc.).
Bilateral R&D projects with businesses are covered by customised agreements. These may last a few weeks or a few years and budgets may range from a few thousand to several million euros.
Research agreements with Carnot may involve:
- bilateral R&D projects,
- consulting and expertise,
- tech platforms,
- collaborative R&D projects,
- shared labs.
“Point people” to partner your product and service innovation projects
- An inter-disciplinary network that listens to what its SME, mid-cap and big corporate industrial partners are saying
- Innovation solutions for all business sectors: see Carnot and business sectors ► more information
- Better access to scientific and technological expertise to drive innovation in start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps: see Start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps ► more information
- A network that anticipates market needs and delivers customised solutions for business
The most potent R&D offering for promoting innovation in business
- 20% of French public researchers, handling…
- …55% of R&D contracts outsourced by private companies to public research labs.
- 600 M€ contractual research with companies
- Others revenues with companies :
- 48 M€ IP
- 143 M€ European collaborative projects
- 216 M€ national collaborative projects
- 148 M€ services and expertises