

Examples of partnerships with companies in the region

Thanks to AI, Davi endows virtual assistants with emotions for a more fluid, more "human" relationship.

Partnership Carnot Cognition - Davi

Davi has leveraged a long-term partnership with LISN (Carnot Cognition) to set up the RETORIK platform, which may be used to create digital assistants that blend expertise and social skills to produce high-quality dialogue.

Partnership Carnot Cognition - Davi

Thanks to AI, Davi endows virtual assistants with emotions for a more fluid, more "human" relationship.

Davi has leveraged a long-term partnership with LISN (Carnot Cognition) to set up the RETORIK platform, which may be used to create digital assistants that blend expertise and social skills to produce high-quality dialogue.

Supporting Innovation

Businesses have been deploying online user assistance since the early 2000s. These virtual assistants quickly became unpopular due to frequently awkward dialogue, inappropriate responses once queries went beyond the predicted context and the cold impersonal mode of communication, devoid of any empathy. As early as 2010, Davi began working on enhancing the human-machine relationship. It is currently marketing RETORIK which allows users to harness emotional AI to create digital assistants and experts (SMARTBOTs) that reproduce human form, language and emotions. The machine communicates naturally via a 3D image of a character capable of providing customised responses while expressing context-appropriate emotions. It becomes possible to forge relationships that are sufficiently interactive to help prospects or complete online sales, provide virtual training or create smart digital information points.

The client needs

Davi is a SAAS-based (software as a service) software publisher. It markets RETORIK which features tech solutions that enable machines to communicate naturally with humans by reproducing their social behaviour. 
These high added value human-machine interfaces run on two “engines”.  The conversational engine focuses on a clear understanding of queries and provides users with quality dialogue. It is rounded out by a socio-emotional engine that controls the non-verbal language of the animated virtual assistants who deliver responses coupled with accompanying facial expressions, hand movements, etc.
To develop these solutions and produce numerous applications in the field of conversational AI, Davi has been investing heavily in R&D and forging partnerships for many years. In particular, since 2016 it has been working with the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) and LISN (Interdisciplinary digital sciences research lab), which is part of the Carnot Cognition Institute and brings together AI experts and psychologists. This partnership has helped produce new expertise at the juncture of basic and industrial applied research that has given Davi a competitive edge in a rapidly-changing market.


LISN is part of the Carnot Cognition Institute, which specialises in cognitive technologies that embrace users, their environment and different ways of interacting. The partnership has helped develop affective computing models within a rule engine based on mathematical logic that can calculate verbal responses complete with contextualised socio-emotional content. Experiments have also been conducted to develop a catalogue of non-verbal expressions that enhance customer relations and user experience and new dimensions have been defined for evaluating the perception of a conversational assistant in a commercial environment. The supervision of PhD students within the framework of CIFRE conventions (French State programme for research training in industry) have helped integrate the models within RETORIK and conduct experiments in natural usage situations with real users for the social sciences and humanities aspects. They have for example been testing and analysing the way in which visitors interact with a virtual assistant in a tourist office.
Davi has been able to use this partnership to become a big player in emotional AI, leading to strong growth in its revenue and workforce.

June 2021

REAL-e is a smart, on-board connected system for measuring pollutant emissions in real traffic conditions

Partnership IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute - Capelec

REAL-e is the result of synergies unlocked between Capelec’s gas analysis expertise and pollutant emission models developed by Carnot IFPEN Transports Energie. It makes it much easier to produce exhaustive and reliable mass measurements of car pollutant emissions that are independent of the figures produced by carmakers.

Partnership IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute - Capelec

REAL-e is a smart, on-board connected system for measuring pollutant emissions in real traffic conditions

REAL-e is the result of synergies unlocked between Capelec’s gas analysis expertise and pollutant emission models developed by Carnot IFPEN Transports Energie. It makes it much easier to produce exhaustive and reliable mass measurements of car pollutant emissions that are independent of the figures produced by carmakers.

Supporting Innovation

Roadworthiness testing of passenger cars in France uses exhaust gas analysers that measure a tiny part of the gas emissions of a stationary vehicle. These systems are incapable of measuring pollutant emissions based on traffic conditions, driving style or type of journey. REAL-e is no bigger than a suitcase but it contains an exhaust gas analyser (CO, CO2, NOx, PN, NH3) connected to an EOBD dongle which reads the vehicle’s settings and geolocalises and collates the data before sending it to the cloud. These measurements are then merged with digital emissions models and the resulting data is enriched, contextualized and compared to the emissions of the vehicle’s “nominal digital twin”. The tested vehicle may then be either “passed” or sent back for additional testing. REAL-e provides a cost-effective solution for measuring vehicle emissions under real conditions, for vehicle development, market surveillance or “in-service conformity” pursuant to RDE regulations (Real Driving Emissions). REAL-e measurements can be usefully positioned between a “pollutant radar” (i.e., quick and simple but one-off and not very accurate) and the measurements used for accreditation purposes (PEMS: Portable Emissions Measurement System).

The client needs

Capelec has been supplying vehicle test centres with measuring instruments and test benches since 1989. This SME is renowned for the quality of its exhaust gas analysers and it has now began to focus on measuring pollutant emissions in real situations as required under the most recent regulations. Raw data needs to be re-contextualized and rounded out so that it can be compared to benchmark data. This digital step has been made possible by Carnot IFPEN Transports Energie algorithms for calculating pollutant emissions with GPS trace, which may be used to determine whether or not a vehicle is compliant. At the end of the test – which doesn’t last long and is unconstrained by having to follow a pre-defined circuit – the equipment may easily be removed from one vehicle and attached to the next. Big polluters or non-compliant vehicles are identified very quickly. REAL-e came away with the Grand Prix at the Auto Equipment Innovation awards.



Carnot IFPEN Transports Energie has been partnering the sustainable mobility challenges of big and small operators since 2006. It markets Geco Air, the free smartphone app developed by the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) which allows motorists to visualise the pollutant footprint of their different journeys. Using vehicle specifications and journey parameters, Geco Air’s mathematical models provide an estimate of gas and particulate emissions and fuel consumption. The app delivers a “mobility score” out of 100, complete with tips on how to reduce the driver’s environmental footprint. This anonymised data is also used to improve infrastructure and traffic regulations. In this partnership, the Geco Air algorithms and Capelec analyser have been adapted and used to co-develop REAL-e. This is a simpler, cheaper and faster system than those currently being used and is a first step in identifying vehicles that are big polluters under real conditions. REAL-e gives this Montpellier-based SME a clear edge over the competition in the emerging market of “in-service conformity” and market surveillance together with very attractive growth prospects.

May 2020

Doctegestio aims to both improve data processing and streamline hospital administration processes through the use of semantic analysis

Partnership Carnot Institute CEA LIST - Doctogestio

The DIM-IA artificial intelligence project tackles the challenge of streamlining codification of  procedures in computerized patient records and speeding up health insurance reimbursements.

Partnership Carnot Institute CEA LIST - Doctogestio

Doctegestio aims to both improve data processing and streamline hospital administration processes through the use of semantic analysis

The DIM-IA artificial intelligence project tackles the challenge of streamlining codification of  procedures in computerized patient records and speeding up health insurance reimbursements.

Supporting Innovation

Doctors must carefully read and transcribe all medical data concerning each of the 7.7 million hospital admissions using a strictly codified nomenclature. This stage is indispensable for patient reimbursement and now serves to populate patient’s shared medical records. Doctegestio, a key stakeholder in healthcare and medical welfare, provides assistance to hospital doctors through a reading and coding solution  based on semantic analysis of natural language that is sufficiently accurate to speed up the outcome and make it more reliable. The DIM-IA project, focusing on hospital medical data and information management departments, combines anonymised databases with artificial intelligence developed by Carnot CEA LIST. The system aims for optimal processing time and coding quality while complying with regulations, thus freeing up high value added medical resources.

The client needs

Doctegestio was created in 2000 and is a major player in healthcare, medical welfare and social and family tourism in France, with 290 establishments and nearly 10,000 employees. The Group’s development strategy is based around strong external growth and highly digitised data management processes. Doctegestio is currently involved in a number of integrated healthcare AI projects that reflect the Group’s commitment to solidarity and upholding the common good. 
Codifying hospital stays requires collation of a vast quantity of data from post-operative reports, hospital admissions and the results of medical tests, etc. In order to ensure complete anonymity, each hospital has an archive of anonymised medical records, based on a unique number without a transcoding table, thus avoiding any identification of patients/visits. The archive is processed using artificial intelligence  based on semantic analysis in qualified medical language. Doctegestio and CEA LIST have conducted a major joint research project to automatically codify medical procedures that monopolise a lot of time and resources . The French national health insurer (CNAM) has already expressed interest in the system as a means of populating patient’s shared medical records.


Carnot CEA LIST conducts smart digital systems R&D and has developed solid artificial intelligence expertise. After adapting its semantic analysis algorithms to medical terminology, the Institute has linked its semantic platform to hospital databases managed  by Doctegestio. The system has achieved remarkable performances. The learning process factors in the wide variety of available sources: free [or] unstructured text that is frequently difficult to process. Starting with this unstructured data, AI extracts the relevant information from patient records and classifies it according to the WHO’s ICD-10 statistical classification of diseases and related health problems. This has demonstrated the ability of CEA LIST teams to automatically process the transcription of medical hospital data.  As well as boosting the productivity of the people involved, the system also speeds up the medical billing chain and makes it more secure. 
Following the success of the DIM-IA project, which demonstrates the value and reliability of AI in the healthcare arena, CEA LIST and Doctegestio have set up a joint research lab  and now have their sights set on projects with a nationwide reach.

January 2020

A connected washer providing contactless control over nut tightening in aero engines

Partnership Carnot Cetim - JPB Système

JPB Système has teamed up with Cetim to meet the needs of the aeronautical industry by reducing the time aircraft need to spend on the ground checking that nuts are properly tightened.

Partnership Carnot Cetim - JPB Système

A connected washer providing contactless control over nut tightening in aero engines

JPB Système has teamed up with Cetim to meet the needs of the aeronautical industry by reducing the time aircraft need to spend on the ground checking that nuts are properly tightened.

Supporting Innovation

Significant progress has already been made in contactless control over nut tightening in the nuclear industry and rail transportation in a context of vibrations and sharp changes in temperature. However, in the aeronautical industry, JPB Système is pioneering a similar solution for aircraft engines that combines simplicity, speed and accuracy. The company, which is already a leader in self-locking nuts, has leveraged its in-house operational expertise of the Internet of Things (IoT) to come up with a connected washer that is resistant to electromagnetic interference and displays the required torque in just one second. Measurement accuracy to within 6% may be obtained from 10 cm away, whereas an operator using a traditional method achieves 10% at best. Such performances significantly reduce the time for which aircraft are out of action performing checks on their engines.


The client needs

JPB Système is a young family-owned business, created specifically to come up with secure nut tightening solutions for leading aero engine manufacturers. Beginning in 2009, the SME began innovating and robotizing its production processes and making them self-adaptive by harnessing technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT). Its ability to rapidly turn out a range of customised, affordable fixing or sealing solutions has allowed the business to grow rapidly and move into the international market. To come up with a solution that provides quick and accurate contactless checks over nut tightening, JPB Système’s teams leveraged all their experience of the IoT as well as acquiring new expertise. In particular, strain gauges were inserted into washers in partnership with the Carnot Cetim mechatronics resource centre. The Company was able to harness all of Cetim’s human and technical resources to prove the effectiveness and performance levels of its connected washers. Aside from technological considerations, Cetim was able to tap into JPB Système’s corporate DNA by helping to maintain the degree of responsiveness to, and the fit with end user needs.


The Carnot Cetim Institute partners businesses in the mechanical engineering sector, particularly where a high level of mechatronics expertise is required. Mechatronics incorporates the electronic systems that are so indispensable to the intelligence embedded in mechanical engineering equipment. These can then be linked to service functions. This mechatronics expertise has enabled Cetim teams to partner the development of a washer that actually helps to mechanically tighten nuts. In particular, to measure torque, it was necessary to produce a machined test body to position the strain gauges while integrating the communication device. The reader developed by the JPB Système teams is installed on a laptop placed a few centimetres from the nut. The screen takes just one second to display the axial tension measured by the washer, which is remotely powered by a passive system to eliminate all electromagnetic interference. A first 12 mm diameter washer was presented at the 2019 Salon du Bourget trade fair. Over the coming months, work will be performed to optimise the electronic systems and enable the partnership to market washers of different diameters. JPB Système is meeting the challenge of measuring required torque at any given time for one of its customers.

December 2019

Segula Technologies innovates with a new more accurate fluid-structure interaction model for predicting potential nuclear risks

Partnership Carnot Smiles - SEGULA Technologies

Segula Technologies and Carnot Smiles have teamed up to help predict critical velocity thresholds that can cause instability in the steam generator tubes of nuclear power plants.

Partnership Carnot Smiles - SEGULA Technologies

Segula Technologies innovates with a new more accurate fluid-structure interaction model for predicting potential nuclear risks

Segula Technologies and Carnot Smiles have teamed up to help predict critical velocity thresholds that can cause instability in the steam generator tubes of nuclear power plants.

Supporting Innovation

Segula Technologies is an engineering group with a global presence, helping to boost competitiveness in all major industrial sectors: automotive, aerospace, energy, rail, naval, pharmaceuticals and petrochemicals. Among their many areas of expertise, Segula engineers help meet the technological challenges inherent in nuclear power plant safety and reliability. For example, modelling the behaviour of steam generator tubes is a critical link in the process of sizing nuclear facilities. Consequently, Segula Technologies has developed expertise and software for understanding and modelling the underlying physical phenomena. To enhance nuclear power plant safety, Carnot Smiles is endorsing Segula Technologies’ innovative strategy, offering new complementary models that provide a better understanding and more accurate predictions of the underlying physical phenomena that trigger instability in steam generators.

The client needs

One of the key technological challenges in the nuclear industry concerns the dynamic stability of the steam generator tubes that drive the turbines that actually produce the electricity. These tubes are prone to strong vibrations due to the forces induced by the fluids flowing inside the steam generator. These vibrations need to be controlled to avoid any instability that could compromise the mechanical integrity of the heat exchangers. As a means to this end, it was necessary to analyse stability thresholds – which depend on crossflow – together with algebraic models that determine the instability threshold. The aim of the project was to help gain a better understanding of how fluids behave when they interact with the tubes, using innovative mathematical methods to simulate and predict critical flow velocity thresholds.


Carnot Smiles is a public research institute specialised in mathematical modelling, numerical simulation, optimisation and data science. One of its research labs, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, contributed expertise in the numerical analysis of physical models. This, combined with the operational strength of Carnot’s research engineers, helped accelerate Segula Technologies’ innovation processes. The partnership objective was to come up with a new mathematical model that would pinpoint dynamic instability thresholds in steam generator tubes based on flow velocity – considered to be irreducible – by modelling the effects of fluid-structure coupling, thus predicting the generation of critical vibration phenomena. Carnot SMILES teams provided knowledge transfer that helped enhance Segula Technologies’ ability to compete in the technological, fiercely competitive nuclear sector.

June 2019

Latest fingerprint reader for a more accurate and secure identification

Partnership Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute - IDEMIA

The Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute and IDEMIA teams have developed, over a 18-month collaboration, a device which analyses and compares the external and the internal fingerprints.

Partnership Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute - IDEMIA

Latest fingerprint reader for a more accurate and secure identification

The Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute and IDEMIA teams have developed, over a 18-month collaboration, a device which analyses and compares the external and the internal fingerprints.

Supporting Innovation

Since their general application in 2003, fingerprint readers have been the target of increasingly sophisticated fraud attempts.
At the same time, a few ‘genuine’ but too damaged fingerprints were not properly recognised by these devices.
To overcome these two subjects Telecom SudParis* researchers relied on the so-called optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging technique. They used the correlation between the external fingerprint, consisting of an embossed outer layer, and the internal structure of the fingertip skin combined with the sweat pores layout.
The relevant biometric data acquisition is performed by the BioDigital device through a contactless light beam. Incoherent diagrams alert on fake finger prints.
Any damaged-skinned eroded fingers are offset by a complete and reliable sub-cutaneous print.

*An entity of the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute.
copyright : IDEMIA

The client needs

IDEMIA, a recognised leading player in the field of biometric identification, was born from the merger between Oberthur Technologies** and Morpho+ in 2017.
To build on and consolidate its position as a global leader, the company’s 13000 employees – including 2000 R&D engineers – have to be able to anticipate any fraudulent attempts at biometric data.
To determine, to this end, the effectiveness of the BioDigital solution conducted by Bernadette Dorizzi and Yanek Gottesman from Télécom SudParis, IDEMIA made a specific algorithm and a reference database available.
The first finding was that Biodigital improves indeed the precision and reliability of fingerprint comparison with a near 100% false print detection rate.
A relevant patent has been registered and close collaboration between the teams made it possible to finalise a product design for a contactless fingerprint reader based on such patent.

** French-based specialist in digital security
+ French-based specialist in security and identity solutions


The Télécom & Société numérique Carnot Institute incorporates Télécom SudParis, an engineering school whose Cybersecurity platform stands out for its ability to enable various realistic situations to be simulated.
The BioDigital technology was developed within the Biometrics unit. It makes it possible to obtain a high-quality image reconstruction of the internal fingerprint once light wavelengths are projected across the finger pulp layers.
The specific lighting into the fingers sends various echoing information to the reader depending on depth. These data allowed to reconstruct a high-resolution 3D image of the internal fingerprint, which is then compared with the embossed external fingerprint.
Between these two fingerprints, the additional rebuilt of the sweat pores network makes the process safer.
The Carnot teams have really taken up the technical challenge and transferred the technology to IDEMIA, thus improving the latter’s competitive advantage in the field of ‘Augmented Identity’.

January 2019

Officially launched in June 2018 by Inventec, the soldering paste expected by the high-tech industry comes to fruition

Partnership Chimie Balard Cirimat - Inventec

The Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute’s expertise in the field of materials allows it to fulfil the most stringent requirements  for electronic components used in both the aeronautical and space industries.

Partnership Chimie Balard Cirimat - Inventec

Officially launched in June 2018 by Inventec, the soldering paste expected by the high-tech industry comes to fruition

The Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute’s expertise in the field of materials allows it to fulfil the most stringent requirements  for electronic components used in both the aeronautical and space industries.

Supporting Innovation

Inventec has been an established leader in the field of chemical solutions for the high-tech industry for more than 50 years. Its offering as regards electronic assemblies has just grown with the latest introduction of its EcorelTM Oxal AG product.
While being high-temperature resistant, this silver-oxalate-based soldering paste stands out by its ability to be worked at low temperatures, without emitting any particulate pollutants or nano-scale particles.
It meets the strict requirements of the high-tech electronic industries: miniaturisation, an outstanding electrical and thermal conductivity,  mechanical resistance. It is also a lead-free product complying with the highest EU environmental standards (both the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) and the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals regulation (REACH)).
It is a key element to ensuring high quality of surface-mount technology (SMT)2 solder joints by attributing excellent electrical, mechanical and thermal properties to the soldering.

The client needs

Electronic circuits, in particular aerospace and power electronics, are getting much smaller and are subjected to ever higher temperatures (300° C and above).  
In such cases, the brazing material must be highly thermally conductive to enable heat dissipation.
None of the products sold by the competition is really satisfactory.

Cirimat have opened up a new way through the development of an innovative brazing process using silver-oxalate micro-particles. This process has allowed to generate Ecorel TM Oxal AG, a new product which has been showcased in June during the SMTconnect fair in Nuremberg. The competitively priced product responds to strong expectations from the manufacturers of electronic products subject to very high temperature. By anticipating the latest set of regulatory and environmental constraints planned to be introduced in 2021, Inventec guarantees a significant business edge to customers.


As a CNRS-affiliated research centre, Cirimat’s know-how is based on an extensive expertise in material science. The research team has based the new brazing process by combining his knowledge of metal organic precursor and powder metallurgy. Inventec enjoyed the benefits of a patent license resulting from a partnership between Thales group and Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute, while participating to the Bravoh* programme, a project supported by the French Government Defense Procurement and Technology Agency (Direction générale de l’armement, DGA) in which were also involved Gaches Chimie** and ISP System***. It is under such context that Inventec could determine the formula of such soldering paste. which is operated at a low temperature for highly thermally conductive and environment compliant solders.
The 2011-registered license patent allows Inventec to market the very innovative brazing material, which constitutes a significant progress and engine for the industry. Hence consolidating, through such novelty, its leading position across the Asia-Pacific, Europe and North-America regions.

* BRAsing microVOid free and High thermal conductivity
** French distributor of commodity chemicals
*** French-based key player in the field of mechatronics, precision engineering and robotics

September 2018

Fluigent provides laboratories with effective and reliable precision analyses techniques at the micron and the nanometre length-scale

Partnership M.I.N.E.S and Fluigent

To gain a larger share of such very dynamic market and increase competitiveness, Fluigent, a pioneer of microfluidics, features the  algorithms developed by the M.I.N.E.S Carnot Institute in terms of innovation.

Partnership M.I.N.E.S and Fluigent

Fluigent provides laboratories with effective and reliable precision analyses techniques at the micron and the nanometre length-scale

To gain a larger share of such very dynamic market and increase competitiveness, Fluigent, a pioneer of microfluidics, features the  algorithms developed by the M.I.N.E.S Carnot Institute in terms of innovation.

Supporting Innovation

Microfluidics ensures that vast numbers of samples can be processed very quickly to the benefit of the many laboratories involved in various fields such as biology, medicine, pharmacology…
Due to the techniques used, the automated manipulation and the quantities applied are helping to lower the cost of the undertaken laboratory analysis.
On the one hand, Fluigent stands out by its own disruptive technology which incorporates powerful algorithms. On the other hand, by its dedication to integrating solutions ensuring a steady microfluidic flow and a sophisticated management of complex fluidic systems.

FRCM* products and EZ™ Flow developed in partnership with the M.I.N.E.S Carnot Institute are much appreciated by their users and forecast the efficient, reliable, economical with-a-strong-adaptation-capacity laboratory of the future.

*Flow rate control module

The client needs

As of 2006, Fluigent has verified that the analysis of micro samples of fluids circulating in channels etched on a glass or plastic plate opens up a new era of instrumentation.
Yet, this technology dictates a complete mastery of the fluid circulation through the channels. Fluigent is then primarily driven by reliability and miniaturisation considerations. Its teams think out flow control systems that may be put together to build upon request tools able to be rapidly operational readiness without requiring a long calibration step.
The French-based SME has been partnering from 2012 onwards with the Centre for Systems and Control (CAS-MINES ParisTech) of the Carnot M.I.N.E.S institute.
This partnership materialises very quickly with the launch of the FRCM software (2013), then the Flow EZTM (2017) modules, which significantly contribute to the steady revenue growth providing a strong competitive edge over the competitors.


The M.I.N.E.S Carnot Institute** aims to eliminate scientific barriers to allow for innovative technology development with a strong socio-economic impact.
The teams have taken advantage of their 15 years of work in control theory and succeeded in improving performance significantly. The contribution involves optimising the control of miniature valves thanks to embedded algorithms continuously monitoring flows in real time.
The partnership has staunchly upheld the solid principles of independence while safeguarding Fluigent industrial property rights, as well as its closeness to end-users’ applications.
Being involved in the design of the Flow EZTM module architecture since the beginning, the team led by Nicolas PETIT has contributed to the strengthened leadership of the French firm of 30. Fluigent pursues its strong growth and global expansion in more than 40 countries.

**Innovative Methods for Business and Society

June 2018

A joint laboratory shared with Carnot CEA LIST gives Sherpa Engineering entry into the autonomous vehicle market.

Partnership TN@UPSaclay Carnot Institute - Sherpa Engineering

This type of joint partnership with a Carnot Institute provides the SME with both the flexibility and responsiveness needed. Such collaboration offers a very efficient tool for the design of AV’s.

Partnership TN@UPSaclay Carnot Institute - Sherpa Engineering

A joint laboratory shared with Carnot CEA LIST gives Sherpa Engineering entry into the autonomous vehicle market.

This type of joint partnership with a Carnot Institute provides the SME with both the flexibility and responsiveness needed. Such collaboration offers a very efficient tool for the design of AV’s.

Supporting Innovation

For all the designers as well as engineers, modelling, simulation and control are key stages of the systems engineering process. Nevertheless, the design phase runs into feasibility and product depiction issues. To address these concerns, Sherpa Engineering and Carnot CEA LIST have agreed to share their efforts in terms of research and innovation capacities within a joint laboratory. Such close co-operation has resulted in the development of ‘PhiSystem’, an innovative environment for the construction of models for complex process-oriented systems.Its key competitive advantage: by providing a function approach to derive the architecture and the components, the solution enables to integrate the most comprehensive complex systems. Customisable and SysML-based1, PhiSystem is particularly used within the context of ADAS2 studies by Renault and the RATP Group3.

1. Systems Modelling Language
2. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
3. Body responsive for the transport system in Greater Paris

The client needs

Thanks to its workforce of about 100 employees Sherpa Engineering has been conducting engineering studies for 20 years. The SME was able to capitalise on its experience from hundreds of projects and have its own R&D facilities. This allows the enterprise to channel concerns quickly and efficiently from various clients subject to considerable competitive pressure across their lines of business. In order to respond to the biggest challenges facing AV’s, including in terms of complex issues at both a reliability and safety level, there was a need to further develop an appropriate and most productive framework. To increase interactivity over several years, Sherpa Engineering and Carnot CEA LIST have mutually agreed on a joint laboratory so as to reduce the information exchange and validation phases. Undertaken in close synergy, the  developments are more rapidly achieved and are directly processed as required. The PhiSystem environment streamlining the various processes has emanated from the choice of both Papyrus4 as a tool and SysML as a modelling language, and proximity of the teams. To meet its industrial customers' specific requirements, Sherpa Engineering can thus offer them a new and efficient engineering service, based on a standardised model-oriented methodology and status as a key expert in its field.

4. Papyrus : open-source unified modelling language tool


The CEA LIST Carnot Institute has developed a sought after know-how in the area of digital intelligent systems based on its own technological bricks. To help develop increasingly complex industrial systems, the Institute makes use of an easily customisable software/system engineering platform to suit the business needs. The Institute’s experience on this type of adaptive and responsive partnership with enterprises of all sizes have allowed it to suggest such initiative of a joint laboratory to Sherpa Engineering to exploit their complementary design and modelling skills. The launching of ‘PhiSystem’ during ‘#techday#cealist’ on 14th March 2017 has fully exposed the simultaneous time saved to make productivity improvements and cost-reduction opportunities, as well as shown the partnership approach to be valid and innovating.
The joint laboratory is a major asset for the SME as it contributes to maintaining its digital engineering leadership position: PhiSystem has made quite a splash among the French professionals giving Sherpa Engineering an entry into the Japanese market.

July 2017

Diota becomes the first French publisher of Augmented Reality software for industrial use

Partnership CEA LIST Carnot Institute - Diota

Technological success for a recently launched start-up supported by the CEA LIST Carnot Institute.

Partnership CEA LIST Carnot Institute - Diota

Diota becomes the first French publisher of Augmented Reality software for industrial use

Technological success for a recently launched start-up supported by the CEA LIST Carnot Institute.

Supporting Innovation

Commercial success for Diota’s Augmented Reality (AR) software solution for the Manufacturing Industry is already under way. It offers above all new ways to get everyone acquainted with a new manufacturing, control and maintenance format. The primary asset of such leading-edge technology for CEA LIST: a model-based markerless 3D tracking device for object identification linked to a multi-criteria information overlay module. Second asset: a gateway connecting the  software and  Industrial Information Systems directly to each other.

The client needs

The DiotaPlayer solution enables the improvement of manufacturing efficiency through the interaction between the digital data interfaces and the workspaces. Diota’s AR software solutions empowers all human operators performing time-continuous operation tasks to simplify data collection using markerless technique while providing enhanced ergonomics. Via a link-up with the Corporate information system DiotaPlayer makes it possible for the operators to receive the 3D models created from the 3D scanned data at both plant and production line levels. Into the bargain, higher productivity gains and quality outcomes leading to a reduced number of resultant manual inspections.


The CEA LIST research efforts are devoted to developing digital intelligent systems aiming to specifically meet the challenge of the Factory of the future. The teams as of 2009 have become involved in the project by supporting Diota’s start-up, also by bringing its expertise in the AR field. The fruitful partnership has given the start-up the opportunity to appeal to a vast number of large corporate groups but also SMBs using AR for communication purposes or to highlight their product portfolio. CEA LIST Carnot Institute, which collaborates closely with Diota, helps them continue writing their success story on a worldwide scale. With  Safran and CEA Investissement’s entry in the stock of Diota, along with a doubling of the present level of its personnel, the start-up is stepping up its industrial development strategy.

October 2016

From the treatment of blindness to Super Bowl

Partnership Voir et Entendre Carnot Institute - Atis

Atis, from Research to global industrial success.

Partnership Voir et Entendre Carnot Institute - Atis

From the treatment of blindness to Super Bowl

Atis, from Research to global industrial success.

Supporting Innovation

ATIS is a camera whose system core works in a similar way to the eye retina. The bio-inspired vision sensor operates in an asynchronous mode on a stream of per-pixel incoming events rather than displaying conventional split-action movement by superimposition of successive images. The sensor performance in terms of data acquisition, encryption and energy consumption makes it an essential and unique choice for applications requiring capture of real-time data.

The client needs

This technology was first applied to respond to the specific needs related to the development of bionic vision systems (artificial retina). Such systems require an expedite processing of images associated with encoded information adapted to the specific retinal and cortical features.

The IRIS2* device, which is going through a clinical assessment, is currently being developed by Pixium Vision, a leading player in the treatment of blindness. The device, combining both an ATIS sensor and a retina implant, allows observed subjects with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) to perceive certain patterns of light and some shapes of objects and acquire a greater degree of autonomy in their day-to-day lives.

Beyond the more constant  medical activity, ATIS high potential was the key reason for setting up French spin-off Chronocam, to further develop its use across all image sensor markets (haulage, robotics, security, video games), and in the not too distant future improve instant replays at major sporting events such as the Super Bowl!

*Intelligent retinal implant system, second generation


The ‘Voir et Entendre’ Carnot Institute is one of the leading integrated Eye Research centresin Europe. It was in this Institute that the team of researchers and mathematicians designed the sensors and algorithms in co-operation with Pixium Vision. On top of this, the Institute is concurrently working in close collaboration with Chronocam. These various exchanges show the Carnot Institute’s ability to effectively integrate into the economic and industrial realities of innovative enterprises.


July 2016

With the serious game Toap Run Genious becomes an actor of silver economy

Partnership ICM Carnot Institute - Groupe Genious

The Genious-ICM Carnot resulting partnership initiative stands out for its therapeutic software excellence.

Partnership ICM Carnot Institute - Groupe Genious

With the serious game Toap Run Genious becomes an actor of silver economy

The Genious-ICM Carnot resulting partnership initiative stands out for its therapeutic software excellence.

Supporting Innovation

Thanks to the joint efforts of computer-games specialists, neuroscientists [OU brain researchers] and clinicians the use of gaming applications [OU of serious games] as a practical tool in healthcare is now very much a reality. The growing aging population means looking at new mechanisms to prevent and manage neurological disorders from a mixture of sources (Alzheimer’s disease, stroke…). The designed ‘Toap Run’ software intented for people suffering from Parkinson’s disease combines digital creativity and a high level of scientific rigour. The rapidly developing healthcare industry was very much in need of such forerunner with very effective – verified and calibrated - innovative solutions. As of October 2016 the Toap Run serious game will be freely available to health care professionals once the subsequent clinical phase has been validated.

The client needs

Since 1983, the small and medium-sized Paris area-based Genious Group of 200 employees, with branches in Montpellier and Rennes, has developed the skills and expertise needed in the fields e-learning, mobile data and serious games. As an e-health contributor, the IT services provider has wanted to improve mobility of all patients with Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore the entire solution had to be cost-effective and scalable so as to provide helpful reference to caregivers to track symptom assessment. To validate such approach Genious Group had to ensure continuity of scientific support for the project and evaluate its possible use in real-life settings.


The ICM Carnot Institute is conducting active brain and spinal cord research at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. Consequently, both the researchers and clinical neurosciences experts have collaborated with Genious on the Toap Run project. As a result, progress in primary health care affecting therapists as well as patients has permitted to allow Genious to be recognised among one of the best digital gold diggers. In addition, Toap Run has been selected as a potential successful candidate as part of the WorldWide Innovation Challenge 2030. Beyond general availability for the software, the desired partnership took on concrete form also with the establishment of a shared lab called BRAIN e-NOVATION

June 2016


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