The healthcare sector brings together all businesses with a shared objective of promoting access to sustainable healthcare systems for everybody through prevention, diagnosis, overcoming disability and treatment of diseases.
The "Pharmaceuticals" sub-sector includes the related clinical trials.
The Carnot Institutes are structured to harness their complementarity and unlock the synergies needed to come up with R&D solutions for tackling the key challenges facing businesses in different industries.
In the pharmaceuticals sector, the Carnot network has focused specifically on two areas Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and Infectious deseases.
Carnot Institutes strongly involved
Examples of partnerships with companies in the sector
Novimmune relies on the CeVi collection to demonstrate the efficacy of its bispecific antibody
Partnership CALYM Carnot Institute - NovimmuneTo assess the efficacy and the mode of action of NI-1701, Novimmune collaborated with CALYM by relying on the richness and quality of its bank of viable cells, ISO 9001 certified.
Novimmune relies on the CeVi collection to demonstrate the efficacy of its bispecific antibody
Supporting Innovation
Lymphomas, first blood cancer, have a large variety of types and sub-types. For B-cell lymphoma, 30 to 60% of patients are resistant to standard treatment with chemotherapy combined with anti-CD20 Rituximab antibody. Novimmune developed a bispecific antibody, as an alternative treatment, by targeting other proteins involved in this lymphoma: CD19 and CD47. NI-1701 thwarts messages sent by CD47 and binds to CD19 in order to specifically trigger phagocytosis of tumor B lymphocytes. The innovation lies in the ability to target two proteins while displaying low toxicity towards healthy cells. It is essential to increase efficacy of standard treatments and to provide a solution for relapsed or refractory patients.
The client needs
In the long process of getting a drug to market, preclinical tests are a primordial step before the setting up of clinical trials. To achieve this, a maximum of scientific data is necessary to confirm the therapeutic interest and efficacy and the benefit/risk ratio for patients. Novimmune wished to use the CeVi viable cell collection, set up by CALYM, to have not only a big quantity of patient « cases », but also skills of teams specialized in the lymphoma field. Novimmune found in CALYM, the resources to test the in vitro efficacy of the antibody and to bring to light its mechanism of action. Anti-tumor activity was confirmed on various cells including those of patients with follicular and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The support provided by CALYM contributed to Novimmune's announcement from June 2018 of the planning of clinical trials end of 2018 or beginning of 2019.
The CALYM Carnot aims at accelerating innovation and its transfer in the lymphoma field. At the heart of its strategy of research and partnership with industry, unique databases and biological collections, including CeVi. Human cells are cryopreserved, isolated from lymphomas and reactive lymphoid tissues. This bank covers all lymphoma sub-types, from the most common to the most rare forms of the pathology, including biological and clinical data. After the progress made thanks to the support of the team of Rennes, “Microenvironment Cell differentiation, iMmunology And Cancer”, Novimmune researchers could illustrate safety of NI-1701 on blood cells or T lymphocytes and confirmed its efficacy in vivo in mouse. This partnership was decisive in Novimmune’s progress towards further development of a new treatment expected by many patients.
Fluigent provides laboratories with effective and reliable precision analyses techniques at the micron and the nanometre length-scale
Partnership M.I.N.E.S and FluigentTo gain a larger share of such very dynamic market and increase competitiveness, Fluigent, a pioneer of microfluidics, features the algorithms developed by the M.I.N.E.S Carnot Institute in terms of innovation.
Fluigent provides laboratories with effective and reliable precision analyses techniques at the micron and the nanometre length-scale
Supporting Innovation
Microfluidics ensures that vast numbers of samples can be processed very quickly to the benefit of the many laboratories involved in various fields such as biology, medicine, pharmacology…
Due to the techniques used, the automated manipulation and the quantities applied are helping to lower the cost of the undertaken laboratory analysis.
On the one hand, Fluigent stands out by its own disruptive technology which incorporates powerful algorithms. On the other hand, by its dedication to integrating solutions ensuring a steady microfluidic flow and a sophisticated management of complex fluidic systems.
FRCM* products and EZ™ Flow developed in partnership with the M.I.N.E.S Carnot Institute are much appreciated by their users and forecast the efficient, reliable, economical with-a-strong-adaptation-capacity laboratory of the future.
*Flow rate control module
The client needs
As of 2006, Fluigent has verified that the analysis of micro samples of fluids circulating in channels etched on a glass or plastic plate opens up a new era of instrumentation.
Yet, this technology dictates a complete mastery of the fluid circulation through the channels. Fluigent is then primarily driven by reliability and miniaturisation considerations. Its teams think out flow control systems that may be put together to build upon request tools able to be rapidly operational readiness without requiring a long calibration step.
The French-based SME has been partnering from 2012 onwards with the Centre for Systems and Control (CAS-MINES ParisTech) of the Carnot M.I.N.E.S institute.
This partnership materialises very quickly with the launch of the FRCM software (2013), then the Flow EZTM (2017) modules, which significantly contribute to the steady revenue growth providing a strong competitive edge over the competitors.
The M.I.N.E.S Carnot Institute** aims to eliminate scientific barriers to allow for innovative technology development with a strong socio-economic impact.
The teams have taken advantage of their 15 years of work in control theory and succeeded in improving performance significantly. The contribution involves optimising the control of miniature valves thanks to embedded algorithms continuously monitoring flows in real time.
The partnership has staunchly upheld the solid principles of independence while safeguarding Fluigent industrial property rights, as well as its closeness to end-users’ applications.
Being involved in the design of the Flow EZTM module architecture since the beginning, the team led by Nicolas PETIT has contributed to the strengthened leadership of the French firm of 30. Fluigent pursues its strong growth and global expansion in more than 40 countries.
**Innovative Methods for Business and Society
A new process for the marking of glass packaging and forgeries protection
Partnership Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute - AthéorAthéor-owned innovative Glass’in® process is being marketed thanks to a partnership with the Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute.
A new process for the marking of glass packaging and forgeries protection
Supporting Innovation
Glass’in® patented ink is a dedicated technology for the marking of glass packaging for companies active in the cosmetic, food-processing, motor vehicle and pharmaceutical industries. The glass marking technology prevents glass weakness, while avoiding any changes in continuous production lines. The authentication solution expert provides either visible or invisible inkjet printing devices, including with decorative effects, when illuminated by UV beam. The designed optical scanner enables the reading of a unique hidden identifier. The marking is fully tamper-proof, solvent-resistant and readable regardless of the supporting element colour.
The client needs
Athéor was actively looking for a cost-reducing process technology in terms of glass marking. Making traceability and measures to combat counterfeiting more accessible both economically and technically provides the Montpellier-based start-up with extreme competitive advantage. In 2015 Athéor signed an agreement for the marking of 20 million bottles of Champagne.
The Chimie-Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute as of 2010 has participated in the design and development of the ink composition comprised of colourants and optoelectronic components. Researchers with expertise in molecular architecture and nanostructured materials were vital to the success of a new regional project in full compliance with the Charter of the Carnot Institutes.