Beauty products
Beauty product industry (substances to be applied to the skin, teeth and lining of the mouth to clean, perfume, protect and maintain.)
Carnot Institutes strongly involved
Examples of partnerships with companies in the sector
A new process for the marking of glass packaging and forgeries protection
Partnership Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute - AthéorAthéor-owned innovative Glass’in® process is being marketed thanks to a partnership with the Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute.
A new process for the marking of glass packaging and forgeries protection
Supporting Innovation
Glass’in® patented ink is a dedicated technology for the marking of glass packaging for companies active in the cosmetic, food-processing, motor vehicle and pharmaceutical industries. The glass marking technology prevents glass weakness, while avoiding any changes in continuous production lines. The authentication solution expert provides either visible or invisible inkjet printing devices, including with decorative effects, when illuminated by UV beam. The designed optical scanner enables the reading of a unique hidden identifier. The marking is fully tamper-proof, solvent-resistant and readable regardless of the supporting element colour.
The client needs
Athéor was actively looking for a cost-reducing process technology in terms of glass marking. Making traceability and measures to combat counterfeiting more accessible both economically and technically provides the Montpellier-based start-up with extreme competitive advantage. In 2015 Athéor signed an agreement for the marking of 20 million bottles of Champagne.
The Chimie-Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute as of 2010 has participated in the design and development of the ink composition comprised of colourants and optoelectronic components. Researchers with expertise in molecular architecture and nanostructured materials were vital to the success of a new regional project in full compliance with the Charter of the Carnot Institutes.